If you have ever looked into the use of CBD and wondered if all the hype around it is true or not, let us tell you something, you will never find out until you give it a try. Over the years, CBD has proven that its popularity is only on a steady rise. Many advertisers back their products by scientific research, which claims that not only can CBD help relieve chronic pain but act as a neuropathic as well.

Most people who have tried it can swear by the positive effects that it has had on their life. Cannabidiol is said to inhibit cancer growth and help with migraines and epileptic seizures as well. The best part? It is derived naturally from a plant and will not cause the same side effects as a pharmaceutical drug. Coming to the real question, could CBD be a miracle to your life? And if so, then how?

A Synopsis of CBD

The use of CBD to help with ailments goes back to 2737 BC. Even prominent emperors and queens are believed to have used it to alleviate pain and help with memory, malaria, rheumatism, and gout. However, it was not until the 1940s when scientist Roger Adams succeeded in extracting the compound from the plant in a fluke accident. Scientists began researching it many years later after it was founded.

Even though cannabis was used as a valuable therapeutic resource for thousands of years, with the rise of modern medicine and lack of research, the medical community is dubious about acknowledging it as a pharmaceutical medication.
However, the many who gave it a try have often termed it a wonder drug that can be a natural treatment option for mood disorders, sleep problems and even help break the pattern of addiction. Here is how:


Bottle of CBD Tincture

Image source: https://pixabay.com/images/id-4557418/

The effect of CBD on the Brain & Body

Cannabidiol or CBD is just one of the many cannabinoids present in the cannabis plant and is extracted from its seeds. This extraction is generally in oil and contains various phytonutrients such as Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, E Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Copper, Iron, Zinc, Manganese, and Fatty Acids.

Our body has an endocannabinoid system that regulates sleep, appetite, immunity, and overall balance in the body. Our brain has highly specialized cells called neurons that contain neurotransmitter receptors. CBD is a neurotransmitter that interacts with the brain, helping with the following problems:

1. Chronic-pain

When combined with THC, CBD has proven to relieve nerve-related pain caused due to multiple sclerosis or cancer. Several studies have shown its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects. Most people who have tried CBD balms for their cases of multiple sclerosis, muscle spasms, and arthritis found it to be helping with their pains. Topical application is known to aid arthritis and the chronic pain caused from it.

2. Neurological Disorders

Today, the only FDA-approved CBD drug sold in pharmacies is Epidiolex (a plant-based formula of CBD). This drug has helped treat people suffering from Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. In one of the studies, results showed that CBD could significantly reduce the frequency of treatment-resistant epilepsy by over 44%.

Several small-scale studies have shown CBD to have a positive impact on symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease. These studies claim CBD to have improved the quality of life and well-being of the patients.

However, it is necessary to note that CBD may interact with certain medications, and hence, a consultation is essential before its use.

3. Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and Depression are some of the most common mental disorders that people suffer from today. About 7% of the global population suffers from mental disorders at any given moment. A proper dosage of CBD can help relieve your anxiety if you are exposed to an anxiety-causing stimulus.

The therapeutic potential of CBD also extends to its influence on the serotonin system of the body. Serotonin has a significant effect on controlling the mood of a person. On interacting with the brain, CBD affects multiple serotonin receptors, which can break the patterns of Depression by positively impacting the brain.

4. Insomnia

Most conditions such as anxiety, depression, or even pain can cause disturbance to the sleep cycle. One study showed that out of 72 people, about 48 saw an improvement in their sleep cycle in their first month of taking CBD for it. It is also said to preserve sleep architecture and is unlikely to cause any adverse side effects. The quality of sleep can improve the quality of one’s life, making one more energetic and active throughout the day.5. Acne Breakouts

The most prominent characteristics of acne are inflammation and sebum. One of the pros of CBD’s anti-inflammatory effects is that it can prevent the sebocytes present on the skin from producing too much sebum that can cause a breakout of acne in the future. On topical use, CBD can be an effective acne treatment and also help prevent future breakouts.

6. Nausea Control

According to research, CBD can help the body attain homeostasis. A study was recently conducted on cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. The results showed that CBD and THC combined helped alleviate side effects such as nausea and vomiting caused by chemo.


Woman standing at a park soaking in the heat of the sun
Image source: https://pixabay.com/photos/happiness-joy-fresh-air-liberty-1866081/

The Vast Possibilities of CBD Use

There are a wide variety of benefits that CBD can have on the body. You may never know how it can be that one miracle product or drug that may be missing from your life that completely changes it for the better someday. Numerous CBD products exist in the market today, with specific products treating specific ailments. There are CBD syrups for sleep, CBD gummies for appetite, balms for pain, vapes for anxiety relief, and oils for the overall well-being of a person.

The limited available studies have made it apparent that cannabidiol can ameliorate ailments and disorders, as mentioned so far. CBD can interact with a wide range of receptors in the brain, adhering to different problems a person is experiencing. Nonetheless, further research is required to uncover how complex this compound is its full potential in the therapeutic world.

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